Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Burj Khalifa, Dubai

The Burj Khalifa is the world's tallest building with a height of 2,717 ft. (828 meters). The Burj Khalifa skyscraper is a world-class destination and the magnificent centerpiece of Downtown Dubai, a true urban masterpiece. The world's tallest building is surrounded by hotels, stores and a world of entertainment. The construction of Burj Khalifa began on the 21th of September in 2004 and ended on January 4th, 2010, and it carries the signature of SOM  (Skidmore, Owings & Merrill), the famous Chicago-based architecture firm.

More about the Burj Khalifa at:



  1. Cool. It stands out from all the other smaller buildings surrounding it. I wonder what it would be like to stand atop the building and look out. Good thing I'm not afraid of heights!

  2. It's like watching a movie, because of all the lights in the night sky. Must have been hard to design (both the building and the lights). A daunting task for the architect, but like the saying, "a journey of a thousand miles starts with one step". I'm guessing it's not as easy as it looks to be a designer.
